Have you ever heard of amla before?
Amla (Indian gooseberries) have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a wide variety of health conditions.
The single most mentioned fruit in all of Ayurveda (an ancient natural medicine practice used in India for the past 5,000 years), amla is a medicinal plant with incredibly effective capabilities to minimize inflammation and reverse chronic disease.
Indian gooseberries have been used for centuries in India to treat respiratory diseases, intestinal inflammation, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, skin inflammatory disorders, skin trauma, cancer, and liver diseases. Additionally, amla is the go-to for Indian women to make their hair healthy, long, free from breakage, and keep it from going gray.
Even Indian men use amla to keep their hair full and thick.
When you look at the list of health benefits that amla fruit brings, it looks too good to be true. How can a single berry ameliorate the symptoms of so many health conditions?
The truth is that amla fruit is one of the most powerful foods ever discovered, and there is almost no chronic disease that amla can’t improve.
Because of this, we believe that it's only a matter of time before this berry becomes the next “superfood.” Be prepared to hear a lot about this magical Indian berry in the future.
Amla is the Whole Food Antioxidant King
Amla fruit is the king of whole food antioxidants, boasting more antioxidant power than any other in-tact whole food. These gooseberries are abundant in India, and are an antioxidant powerhouse that modern medicine is only beginning to understand.
To gain some perspective, whole Indian gooseberries contain 75 times the antioxidant power of goji berries, 60 times the antioxidant power of pomegranate, 50 times the antioxidant power of raw blueberries (which blow most other berries out of the water), 13 times the antioxidant power of black raspberries, 2.5 times the antioxidant power of acai berries, and 2 times the power of ground turmeric.
It's important to understand that amla comes in many different forms, including amla fruit, amla powder, amla juice, and amla oil. In this article we advocate the use of amla fruit and amla powder (ground from the whole amla berry), and do not advocate consumption of amla juice or amla oil.
Amla oil is commonly found in many hair care and skin care products, and can improve skin health and heir health when used externally. Amla juice does not contain fiber, which accelerates the rate at which it is absorbed into your blood.
What Are Antioxidants?
Antioxidants are extremely important components of plant foods because they quench free radicals in your tissues and blood. Think of antioxidants as front-line soldiers with a very important task at hand: donate electrons to damaged cells (1-6).
Every second of every day, cells in your body are exposed to free radicals - unstable molecules missing a single electron. Free radicals are dangerous to cell membranes, DNA, RNA, and cellular proteins because they bombard these cellular structures in search of electron stability.
Free radicals are formed in your skin when you expose yourself to the sun. Free radicals are formed in tissues when they absorb oxygen donated from red blood cells. Cells in your liver create free radicals when you drink alcohol. Cells in your muscle tissue are exposed to free radicals through exercise.
When free radicals eventually find electron stability, they are quenched of their maniac-like behavior, but in the process they have caused cellular damage that can be difficult to repair.
This cellular damage is collectively called “oxidative stress.” The more oxidative stress present in your body, the higher your risk for the development of chronic disease.That’s where antioxidants come into the picture...
The World's Most Powerful Antioxidant Tastes Terrible.
We Made it Awesome.