
Get Everything You Need to Know to Help You Reverse Insulin Resistance, Lower Blood Glucose, Fight Diabetes (and WIN)!

Can You Really Prevent and Reverse Diabetes? 27 Leading Experts, New York Times Best-Selling Authors, and Research Scientist Say... YES!

Register to Watch the 2020 Mastering Diabetes Online Summit Starting on January 5, 2020. Watch this FREE Live Event on You Computer or Smart Device!

9-Day LIVE Online Event

Register for your FREE All-Access Pass. Get access to 90-120 minutes of interviews per day! Starts Sunday January 5, 2020

27 World-Class Experts

​You’ll hear from physicians, NY-Times best-selling authors, and researchers to help you create your personal roadmap to health

Hosted by Cyrus and Robby

Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbara, MPH are your summit hosts and the co-founders of Mastering Diabetes

During this Groundbreaking 9-Day Event – You’ll Discover Exactly What You Can Do to TREAT and BEAT Diabetes Starting Today…

Take Full Control of Your Diabetes Health...Forever


The Surprising Connection Between Insulin Resistance, Beta Cell Function, and Type 3 Diabetes

Let Food Be Thy Medicine... For the Rest of Your Life

Dean and AyEsha Sherzai, MD

Discover Secrets to Reversing Insulin Resistance in Your Brain Using Food as Medicine 

Live Free of Chronic Disease... Permanently


A Deep-Dive into the Science of Weight Loss, Calorie Restriction, and Intermittent Fasting for Optimal Long-Term Health

Plus, you’ll hear from dozens more world-class experts including Joel Fuhrman, MD, Joel Kahn, MD, Tom O'Bryan, DC, Will Bulsiewicz, MD, Angie Sadeghi, MD, Rip Esselstyn, Ocean Robbins, Michelle McMacken, MD, Scott Stoll, MD, Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD, Robert Ostfeld, MD and MANY more!

Register NOW and you’ll be the first in line to see the entire 2020 Mastering Diabetes Online Summit for FREE

Enter your email to secure your spot today and receive $895 in FREE bonuses

Register NOW and you’ll be the first in line to see the entire 2020 Mastering Diabetes Online Summit for FREE

Enter your email to secure your spot today and receive $895 in FREE bonuses